Software Requirements Engineering
An On-Demand, Web-Based Course
From the Software Excellence Academy PoweredĀ by The Westfall Team
* Our All-Access Membership includes this course

Target Audience
This course has been designed for business analysts, system and software requirements engineers, project managers, product owners, Scrum masters, functional managers, software developers, testers, software quality engineers and other software stakeholders who will be involved in eliciting, analyzing, specifying, validating and/or managing requirements.

Method of Instruction
This course consists of xx on-demand videos (more than xx hours total) that you can watch at your own pace, accessible anytime 24x7.
Each course video contains step-by-step lessons to ensure effective transfer of practical skills, techniques, processes and tools that can be immediately incorporated to improved on-the-job performance and contribute to software excellence.
The course also includes exercises that be can use to practice the techniques and skills learned. Your completed exercises can be emailed to the instructor for comment, or you can set up a GoToMeeting call to review the exercises with the instructor.

Course Workbook
This course has a downloadable course workbook designed to provide reference materials that can be utilized long after completing the course. This workbook includes:
- Copies of all presentation materials with annotated notes
- A bibliography of reference materials
- An index and glossary of Software Requirements Engineering terminology used in the course
Course Description
This Software Requirements Engineering course is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge base and practical skills so you can implement and improve your Software Requirements Development and Management techniques and practices.
This course starts with an overview of software requirements basics. You will learn the:
- Requirements engineering terminology
- Importance of good software requirements
- Software standards and models related to requirements
- Major activities of the requirements engineering process
You will learn and practice requirement elicitation techniques and skills, including:
- How to define the vision and scope of a software product
- How to identify the product’s stakeholders
- How to utilize an array of techniques to elicit software requirements information
You will learn and practice requirement analysis techniques and skills, including:
- How to apply different models in the analyisis of requirements to provide a better understanding of your requirements, and identify requirements defects and gaps in your requirements information
- How to refine business-level and stakeholder-level requirements into software product-level requirements and/or acceptance criteria
This course provides multiple templates that you can use on-the-job to document your requirements, including templates for specifying:
- Stories
- Use cases
- Different types of product-level requirements (both functional and non-functional)
- Business Requirements Specifications
- Stakeholder Requirements Specifications
- System Requirements Specifications
- Software Requirements Specification
- Data dictionary
You will learn and practice how to validate your requirements using peer reviews and test planning.
You will learn to manage your requirements throughout the software life cycle by:
- Establishing requirements baselines
- Performing requirements traceability
- Managing requirements change
This course also includes an overview of requirements-related metrics.
This is a virtual, on-demand course. The registration cost for this course is $799 per student.
If your organization has 3 or more students to register, you can receive a $50 discount off each registration. Larger discounts are also available for 10 or more students from the same organization.
Call 972-867-1172 or email [email protected] for an organizational discount code.
For more information about bringing any of our courses onsite to you organization:
Send an email to: [email protected]
Or call: 972-867-1172