Live Online Training

The Westfall Team’s live, online training courses provide a cost-effective, yet interactive, venue for your organization to train employees on an as needed, individualized basis.

Upcoming Classes

Live, online classes may be purchased separately or you can save money through our All-Access Membership. 

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Courses from Linda Westfall

Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) Preparation

March 17 - 21, 2024 --- 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Central Time 
(** This class will cover the newest ASQ CSQE Body of Knowledge **)

Certified Software Quality Engineer Preparation course is designed to be a comprehensive, in-depth review of the topics in the ASQ’s Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) Body of Knowledge.

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Courses from Robin GoldSmith

Initiate the Right Projects with REAL ROITM Business Cases

Thursday, March 27, 2025, 10:00 am - 6:00  ET

Money is the language of business.  Organizations attempt to choose projects that will pay off but too often fail to achieve expected value, in part because of common failings with traditional ways of identifying, calculating, and communicating Return on Investment (ROI).  The difficulty often is greatest in areas like IT, where benefits may seem intangible and frequent overruns impact estimates’ credibility.  Learn to avoid 21+ common ROI pitfalls so you can present right, reliable, and responsible REAL ROI™ in persuasive business cases.

  •  Avoiding 21+ common pitfalls that undercut most ROI determinations’ value.
  • Using ROI Value Modeling™ and the Problem Pyramid™ to fully identify relevant costs and benefits.
  • Presenting credible project business cases people pay attention to.
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Identifying “Ilities” (Non-Functional, Quality Factor, Quality Attributes) Requirements

Thursday, May 1, 2025, 10:00 - 6:00 ET

Inadequately defining “ilities” requirements is a major cause of defects, overruns, and dissatisfaction. Too often they’re an afterthought, if then. Moreover, mistaken conventional wisdom about identifying them actually prevents proper identification. Many Agile project teams believe user story acceptance criteria are ilities, so they do identify some, but seldom sufficiently—and they don’t realize how much they miss. This interactive seminar makes sense of ilities requirements and provides guidance in more effectively identifying them before they become problems.

• Why ilities requirements are so difficult for so many
• Recognizing and avoiding mistaken conventional wisdom about ilities
• Keys to identifying ilities requirements more effectively up-front


 WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This course has been designed for managers, analysts, designers, programmers, testers, auditors, users and other stakeholders who are concerned about getting right results right.

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Strategic Thinking for You and Your Org—Vision, Mission, and Strategy that Work

Thursday, May 29, 2025, 10:00 - 6:00 ET

Sustained success usually results from developing and implementing effective strategy.
However, many more talk about strategy than actually do it; and much that is believed about strategy is mistaken.
Conventional wisdom is that strategy is the province of executives and executives think strategically; but few do, and others throughout the organization could and should.
This interactive seminar explains the key strategic elements and the types of thinking you need for each, regardless of your level.

• Distinguishing and relating vision, mission, and strategy.
• Correcting mistaken conventional wisdom about strategic thinking.
• Developing strategic thinking for you and your organization.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This course has been designed not just for executives  but also for business and project managers, analysts, designers, programmers, testers, auditors, users and other stakeholders who can and should contribute to setting and accomplishing strategy.

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Live Online Training Has the Following Benefits:

Cost Effective

Online training is less expensive to offer. It also eliminates travel costs and minimizes time away from work/home.

Train Individuals

Students register individually and create their own learning path; perfect for individuals or  small organizations. 

Train Anywhere

Online training eliminates the need for instructor & students to be co-located; beneficial for distributed teams.

Student-Teacher Interaction

Live, online offers student-teacher interaction as well as the opportunity to hear other students' questions and teacher responses.

Live Courses

Get notified of our upcoming live courses hosted by the Software Excellence Academy.

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In-House Training

We can bring any of our courses directly to your team in-house at your facility.

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On-Demand Courses

For more information about our On-Demand Web-based Courses

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